Teacher - institute of technology
See related search resultsSalary range
$50,885 - $83,904
5-Year growth prospects
10-Year growth prospects
Typical education
Bachelor degree / Education, general
Salary range
5-Year growth prospects
10-Year growth prospects
Typical education
Bachelor degree / Education, general
Similarity scores measure how comparable occupations are to one another. We calculate them by comparing O*NET and Vicinity Jobs data for two occupations using a mathematical formula called cosine similarity. We compare level of skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities, tools, training, and education required for each occupation. The higher the cosine similarity value, the more similar they are considered.
Average salaries are the average annual wages for each occupation. We base them on the most recent data from Statistics Canada's Canadian Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Growth prospects are based on projected employment levels for each occupation over the next 5 years and over the next 10 years. We base these on the most recent data from the The Model of Occupations, Skills and Technology (MOST), an employment by occupation forecast produced by Employment and Social Development Canada. We use the following rates to arrive at the ratings:
Learn more about how these metrics are calculated in our Modelling Job Transitions in Canada primer
Upbeat music starts 🎶
NARRATOR: OpportuNext helps you find new career paths with one simple search.
Colourful circles arc across the screen.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Find new career paths with one simple search
Faces in circles arc across the screen.
Someone is drawing a floorplan using a ruler set.
NARRATOR: And if you’re an organization helping jobseekers and employers, or an HR professional, it’s a fast and easy way to identify new opportunities for them.
A laptop appears with the OpportuNext main page open.
NARRATOR: Just enter your existing job title in the search bar and select the appropriate province.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Enter your existing job title
Type appears in the search bar and a drop down menu of predictive text opens below.
NARRATOR: Predictive text may help you define your search terms, and the algorithm does the rest…
TEXT ON SCREEN: The algorithm does the rest
NARRATOR: identifying jobs with positive growth prospects, and the same or better average salary.
A job result for “City manager” appears with numbers and descriptions.
NARRATOR: Using over 13 billion data points to define over 30,000 careers…
TEXT ON SCREEN: 13 billion+ data points
TEXT ON SCREEN: 30,000+ careers
NARRATOR: OpportuNext will show you province-specific average salary and 5- and 10-year growth prospects for the selected job title, as well as the top skills required by employers.
A salary range is highlighted on the job result, then growth prospect ratings, then a list of skills.
NARRATOR: It will also show you top options based on similarity scores — identifying careers that require similar education and skillsets to those you already have, or that you can train for.
Multiple job results are shown.
NARRATOR: A hot jobs icon is used to mark highly in demand jobs.
A button saying “in demand” is circled on one of the job results.
NARRATOR: Your search results can be filtered by knowledge area, by education, by future growth prospects, or by average salary.
A box appears over one of the job results with various checkbox options.
NARRATOR: You can compare selected career paths to one another based on what’s important to you.
A “compare” checkbox is selected on two of the job results.
A side-by-side comparison of multiple job results is shown.
NARRATOR: You can also view details of new career paths that you might not have even considered before — and add them to your favourites for later reference.
A new job result is shown. The “Save to favourites” checkbox is selected.
A page titled “Favourites” appears showing multiple job results.
NARRATOR: OpportuNext also enables students or job seekers to explore potential careers based on their education.
The search bar is shown and “Search by education” button is selected.
NARRATOR: In this case, you would simply select your education level, enter a field of study and select the appropriate province.
Information is filled into the search bar and multiple job results are shown.
NARRATOR: The tool will show you top career options based on similarity of education typically required.
Degrees that are typically required for each job are circled.
NARRATOR: These results can be filtered, compared and saved in the same way you’ve seen.
A “compare” checkbox is selected on two of the job results.
NARRATOR: OpportuNext is fast, easy and free to use…
TEXT ON SCREEN: OpportuNext is fast, easy and free to use
Circles with bright colours and happy faces in them arc across the screen.
NARRATOR: So start exploring new career paths now
TEXT ON SCREEN: Start exploring now
Logos for The Conference Board of Canada and Future Skill Centre appear.
TEXT ON SCREEN: opportunext.ca
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